Is the future of humanitarian housing in concrete? A prototype of the Essential Homes Research Project, devised by the Norman Foster Foundation (NFF) and covered with rollable concrete sheets from Holcim, is on display at the Time Space Existence exhibition in Venice.
He was modest, warmhearted, and, in addition, a guiding intellectual force of sustainable construction who was full of enthusiasm and persuasive conviction. Edward Schwarz contributed greatly to Swiss and international architecture.
During an award ceremony held in Venice on November 13, the Holcim Foundation announced the four winners and four commendations in the Global Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction.
At a recent ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the LafargeHolcim Foundation announced the winners of the LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Asia Pacific, projects that "deal with buildings for education – involving the community and sustainably improving neighborhoods."
At a recent ceremony in Chicago, Illinois, the LafargeHolcim Foundation announced the winners of the LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for North America, projects that "show how the leading edge of sustainable design means reaching far beyond 'common sense'."
At a recent ceremony in San José, Costa Rica, the LafargeHolcim Foundation announced the winners of the LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Latin America, projects with "innovative and often surprising proposals for ways to master the use of [water] in Latin America."
At a recent ceremony in Marseilles, France, the LafargeHolcim Foundation announced the winners of the LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Europe, projects that show "sustainable construction has become systematic and specific."
At a recent ceremony in Nairobi the LafargeHolcim Foundation announced the winners of the LafargeHolcim Awards 2017 for Africa and the Middle East, sustainable projects "that go beyond standards and deliver new or visionary solutions."
The deadlines for two prestigious architecture awards are fast approaching: entries for the LafargeHolcim Awards 2016/17 are due March 21st and the deadline for the 2017 Moriyama RAIC International Prize is March 8th.
Yesterday the LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction launched the $2 million Lafarge Holcim Awards 2016/2017, which "identifies the ideas with the highest potential to tackle today’s challenges to increasing urbanization and to improve quality of life."
At a recent ceremony in Jakarta, the Holcim Foundation announced the winning projects of the Holcim Awards 2014 for the Asia Pacific, which "illustrate how sustainable construction continues to evolve."
At a recent ceremony in Beirut, the Holcim Foundation announced the winning projects of the Holcim Awards 2014 for Africa and the Middle East, which "illustrate how sustainable construction continues to evolve."
At a recent ceremony in Medellín, the Holcim Foundation announced the winning projects of the Holcim Awards 2014 for Latin America, which "illustrate how sustainable construction continues to evolve."
At a recent ceremony in Toronto, the Holcim Foundation announced the winning projects of the Holcim Awards 2014 for North America, which "illustrate how sustainable construction continues to evolve."
At a recent ceremony in Moscow, the Holcim Foundation announced the winning projects of the Holcim Awards 2014 for Europe, which "illustrate how sustainable construction continues to evolve."