
Iria Degen Interiors AG

House in Basel

Basel, Switzerland, 2022

Arckeo + FA Fausto Ferrara Architettura


Berlin, Germany, 2023

Una galleria privata aperta al pubblico, una casa dell’arte, dove la sua funzione è abitare l’arte il luogo e la cultura, in un unico les...

Iria Degen Interiors AG

House in Zurich

Zürich, Switzerland, 2022

Iria Degen Interiors AG

Hyrock AG in Schindellegi

Schindellegi, Switzerland, 2021

Löhle Neubauer Architekten

Amtsgericht Kaufbeuren

Kaufbeuren, Germany, 2022

Der neue Zwischenbau wird von der Ganghoferstraße nur eingeschossig wahrgenommen und ordnet sich gegenüber dem mehrgeschossigen historisc...

Iria Degen Interiors AG

Hotel Post in Andeer

Andeer, Switzerland, 2021

Iria Degen Interiors AG

Restaurant Quai-Cafe

Zurich, Switzerland, 2021

rollimarchini architekten eth sia

Gemeindehaus Schwarzenburg

Schwarzenburg, Switzerland, 2021

Umbau und Sanierung

rollimarchini architekten eth sia


Rüdtligen-Alchenflüh, Switzerland, 2023

Wettbewerb 2021, 1. Rang, Planung ab 2022

rollimarchini architekten eth sia

Schlossgarten Riggisberg

Riggisberg, Switzerland, 2023

Wettbewerb 2023, 1. Rang

Jun Ishikawa Architect

Hako no Ouchi 19

Tokyo, Japan, 2022

This three-family house is located in a quiet residential area in Tokyo. The exterior of the house is characterized by a 22-meter long w...

Ward + Blake Architects

The Burrow Residence

Alta, Wyoming, USA, 2014

The house was placed above the farmable portion of the site to preserve the original use of the property and carefully set into the hills...

Ward + Blake Architects

Rusted Modern

Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 2014

Positioned along a knoll of rolling farmland at the base of the Tetons, this one room wide residence allows abundant visual connections a...

Niko Design Studio

Michiyama's House

Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan, 2022

This house is a house with a store in a town close to the Muromi River in Fukuoka City. The site is almost triangular in shape, with a sh...

phoros AG

Ersatzneubau MFH Balberstrasse

Zürich, Switzerland, 2025

Die beiden in die Jahre gekommenen Wohnhäuser mit 24 Wohnungen sollen ersetzt werden. Anstelle von zwei Längsbauten entstehen im Rahmen d...

Leutwyler Partner Architekten

Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Zentralstrasse Wohlen

Wohlen, Switzerland, 2022

Das zentral gelegene Grundstück zwischen Wehrlistrasse / Bahnhofweg / Zentralstrasse in Wohlen wird unter Einbezug des 1940 erbauten und ...

Ward + Blake Architects

Wood River Residence

Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, 2018

Taking cues from existing tree canopies, a large floating roof extends from the interior to the exterior terraces, suspending the roof li...

Ward + Blake Architects

Spanish Peaks Residence

Big Sky, Montana, USA, 2017

The entrance level begins at the lower portion of the site, guiding your gaze upwards, gradually unveiling the final highest space, the m...

Ward + Blake Architects

Granite Ridge Residence

Teton Village, Wyoming, USA, 2017

On a site where annual snowfall blankets the ground with over six feet of snow, precipitation management becomes crucial for the structur...

Ward + Blake Architects

Skyline Ranch Residence

Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 2017

The Skyline Ranch residence was commissioned as a replacement for a home built in the late seventies. Site restraints included using the ...

Ward + Blake Architects

Ridge 52

Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 2019

Seamlessly tucked into the landscape, the house becomes an organic extension of the hillside with gently sloping sod roofs softening the ...

Ward + Blake Architects

49er Inn

Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 2015

The 49er Inn is a true Jackson Hole landmark that has undergone five additions to the original hotel over the years. The challenge was to...

Achim Birnbaum

Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart.…

Stuttgart, Germany, 2023

Der Neubau für die DHBW Stuttgart im Zentrum der Landeshauptstadt ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Stadtentwicklung an der Schnittstelle von...

Lukas Lenherr Architektur

Haus der Bücher

Oberuzwil, Switzerland, 2022

Das Haus der Bücher verfolgt eine einfache Konzeption. Überall wo die Sanierung des Hauses eine neue Wand mit sich brachte, wurde diese z...

Carlos Martinez Architekten

Clientis Biene Bank

Widnau, Switzerland, 2013

Aufgabe war es, einem Wohn- und Geschäfts­haus aus den 70er Jahren neuen Glanz zu verleihen, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf den Umbau und d...

Just / Burgeff Architects

Haltestelle Offenbach

Offenbach am Main, Germany, 2023

Die Stadt Offenbach äußerte den Wunsch nach einem Entwurf für eine Haltestelle an einem markanten Ort, der sich bewusst von den anderen s...

Achim Birnbaum

Kunstquartier Sindelfingen

Sindelfingen, Germany, 2023

Zusätzliche Flächen wurden für den großen Kunstbestand und die stetig wachsende Sammlung Schaufler, die im Schauwerk Sindelfingen gezeigt...

Ott Architekten

Neubau Firmensitz Aman & Merle Weingroßhandel

Untermeitingen, Germany, 2023

Kombination einer hochfunktionalen und wirtschaftlich geplanten Logistikhalle mit einem für das Publikum geöffneten Veranstaltungs- und V...

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates

Renovation in Kitahama

Osaka, Japan, 2021

Full renovation of a room in a tower apartment. The plan is to make the limited private area as one room as much as possible. To synchron...

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates

Renovation Residences in Maya

Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, 2020

Renovation of a 50-year-old house. A small detached house connected to the main house where the parents live was renovated for the childr...

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates

Megamiyama Residence

Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, 2019

A project to reconstruct a dilapidated house. While retaining the front yard and approach to the site, the building is arranged over the ...

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates

Tomigaoka Residence

Nara Prefecture, Japan, 2017

The plan of the house takes advantage of the difference in elevation between the site and the street to have each room skipped and connec...

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates

UNICO bldg.

Hyogo, Japan, 2016

A complex building for a day service specializing in rehabilitation and a mental health clinic. The exterior walls are double-skinned wit...


Wall Art


Wall Art, a wallpaper brand that pursues beauty through art The colors woven by Polish artists resonate with the viewer's heart and stir...

INCLS (One Design)

Zhelin Community Center

Fengxian, China, 2023

The project is situated in Zhelin New Town of Fengxian District, Shanghai. The overall layout follows a spatial strategy made also by INC...

Carlos Martinez Architekten


Horn, Switzerland, 2021

Arrival at the lake – The estate is situated at one of the last open lakeside plots directly on the shore of Lake Constance. The location...

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