
John Hill | 19.04.2022


The building in Tokyo's Ginza district that houses the first Apple Store to open in Japan — in 2003, when it was also the first Apple Store outside of the United States — will be demolished later this year.

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson | 25.03.2019

Building of the Week

Every architect is familiar with Fallingwater, the iconic house that Frank Lloyd Wright boldly perched above a waterfall in Western Pennsylvania. But fewer know about the other pieces at Fallingwater: the Barn, which hosts wedding and conferences, and the Fallingwater Institute's classes,...


Building of the Week

LEED may be the most popular gauge for sustainable architecture in the United States, but its criteria is nowhere near as stringent as the Living Building Challenge, which bills itself as "the most advanced measure of sustainability in the built environment possible...

John Hill | 17.08.2015


At World-Architects we are big fans of art with an architectural twist, so we decided to focus on some artists who look to architecture and building as subjects for their paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations and films.