Urban Planning Processes in Lagos (1st ed.)
Lagos, Nigeria, 2016
The yearlong research project "Urban Planning Processes in Lagos. Policies, Laws, Planning Instruments, Strategies and Actors of Urban Pr...
Scientific Technological Agroalimentary Park…
Lleida, Spain, 2009
The architectural proposal consists in refurbishing the H buildings (ancien barracks in the city of Lleida) and in reconvert then...
Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes
BARCELONA Smart Salty Spicy
Barcelona, Spain, 2010
The project was conceived as an opportunity to rethink the city's new strategic extension that connects the maritime existing distric...
AV62 arquitectos
Erbil Citadel Revitalization
Erbil, Iraq, 2011
The Citadel of Erbil has evidence of many millennia of habitation, making it one of the longest continuously inhabited sites in the world...
AV62 arquitectos
Restructuring of the Khadimyia neighbourhood
Bagdad, Iraq, 2009
Our proposal for the restructuring of the Kadhimiya neighbourhood that surrounds the shrine is built on the following premises: 1.Maximum...
AV62 arquitectos
Revive and develop the area of Adhamyia
Baghdad, Iraq, 2010
THE RIVER AND THE CONTEMPORARY METROPOLIS The Tigris River, in the winding crossing along the Iraqi territory, illuminates the life and o...
Sturm und Wartzeck
Dipperz, 德国, 1996
Energieautarkes Raumsystem, bei welchem die einzelnen Funktionen Wohnen, Kochen, Waschen, Schlafen, Arbeiten in separaten Einheiten unter...
Rob Mothershed [Architects]
Los Angeles, 美國
Theoretical projects push forward themes of open concepts to existing populations and modern societies. This contextual project attempts ...
Rob Mothershed [Architects]
TPAC - Taipei Pefroming Arts Center
Taipei, 中国
The new performing art center attempted to create a rich gathering of massive program areas. There are three theatres that share an inter...
Giuseppe Lunardini
Maghtab Park
Malta, Malta
The park is set up as part of a system in which man and nature represent a new landscape thanks to their interactions. It is not just a r...
Werner Sobek – Engineering, Design & Nachhaltigkeit
Berlin, 德国, 2011
F87 ging als Sieger aus dem Realisierungswettbewerb „Effizienzhaus Plus mit Elektromobilität“ des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und...
Werner Sobek – Engineering, Design & Nachhaltigkeit
Aktivhaus B10
Stuttgart, 德国, 2014
Die 1927 innerhalb weniger Monate errichtete Weißenhofsiedlung auf dem Stuttgarter Killesberg kam einer Revolution im Bauwesen gleich: Di...
首尔, South Korea
在过去的五十年中,首尔市迅速发展。但是作为一个有着千万人口的世界闻名城市, 它必须寻找一种新的城市发展模式:通过质变而不是量变来提高生活品质。 此次规划的目标是对首尔市当前的规划目标和策略进行分析和评判,进而探索出适合 这座城市的发...
广东省广州市教育城总体规划与教育城(一期)城市设计, 国际竞赛优胜奖
广东, 中国
广州教育城总体规划范围20平方公里,是广州市2013年重点项目之一,规划24所职业教育院校,规划学生总数约20万。 本次规划结合国外及国家职业教育院校用地标准等指标,充分考虑职业教育资源、实训、产教共享等特点,在空间上提出了7大紧密共享的教育组...
上海, 中国
广东, 中国
浙江省杭州市运河新城概念规划, 国际竞赛第一名
浙江, 中国
杭州是浙江省省会经济、文化、科教中心,国家历史文化名城和重要的风景旅游城市。杭州地处长江三角洲南翼,杭州湾西端,钱塘江下游,京杭大运河南端,是长江三角洲中心城市之一和中国东南部交通枢纽。 作为杭州主城区旅游中心及整个杭州国际化旅游发展最重要“秀场&...
湖北, 中国
十堰市位于湖北省西北部,与陕西,河南,重庆三省相邻。十堰市东部新城将在中心城区东侧,开辟城市新的发展空间,以居住为主体,综合性建设高品质工业服务业/商业贸易办公/购物休闲等综合功能,同时作为十堰市的旅游基础设施基地,为十堰市及其中心城区提供新的产业与经济动力。 ...
福建, 中国, 2010
蟳埔商务中心区地处泉州滨海,物产丰富、区位优势明显。 通过对现状的分析,以及对相同案例的比较,我们选择了以公共开敞空间为新旧文化的过渡方式,来自于中国的传统符号”祥云”成为了方案的原始创意。 在方案中,对该区域做了一个清晰...
云南省丽江玉龙新城规划, 竞赛中标实施
云南, 中国, 2004
规划中的玉龙新城位于中国云南省丽江纳西族自治县境内。丽江此处金沙江上游,历史悠久,风光秀美,自然景色壮观,是少数民族纳西族的故乡。丽江古城被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化遗产名录》中。丰富的旅游资源吸引了很多中国及世界各地的旅客前来观光。 我们的总体规划决定了...
LIN Architects Urbanists
Grand Paris Métropole Douce
Paris, 法國, 2008
Grand Paris Métropole Douce is a vision for the development of the metropolitan region of Paris as well as a model of a prosperous and ec...
LIN Architects Urbanists
Strasbourg - Kehl, Cour des Douanes -…
Strasbourg, 法國, 2013
The “Cour des Douanes” in Strasbourg and the “Zollhofareal” in Kehl are former customs posts located on the historic French and German bo...
Karin Standler Landschaftsarchitektur
Der Garten als Wissensraum
Eine Reise zu Gärten der botanischen Sammlungen in Europa Die Verantwortung die botanische Gärten tragen, Pflanzen zu erhalten, zu vermeh...
Oppenheim Architecture + Design
Dubai Pearl
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Master planning and architecture for a 2,200,000 SF mixed-use development comprised of luxury residential, hotels, office, retail, cultur...
Caramel Architekten
Science Park - Johannes Kepler Universität…
Linz, 奥地利, 2012
Science Park Linz Bauteil 3 Exakt 7 Jahre nach Durchführung des europaweiten Architekturwettbewerbs wird durch die Fertigstellung des dr...
The 3rd-i Virtual City
Shanghai, 中国, 2010
A multi-media installation project in collaboration with V2_ from Rotterdam, Shanghai eARTS and Cybercity Ruhr from Germany, presented du...
FRES architectes
Europan 7
Nanterre, 法國, 2003
maîtrise d'ouvrage: Ville de Nanterre / Europan France localisation: Université-République, ZAC Seine-Arche, Nanterre surfaces : logement...
7 Colours Park
Qujing, 中国, 2007
Covering an area of approximately 375 hectares, the Yunnan International Agrifood technopark is a revolutionary experimental farm that ai...
Karin Standler Landschaftsarchitektur
Sicherung der Landschaft
Studie zur Sicherung der Landschaft & flächensparendes Bauen Studie zur Sicherung der Kulturlandschaft Aus der...