Alexander Brenner
Architect | Owner
Show Biography
1981-987 Study of architecture and urban design at the University of Stuttgart, degree October 1987 summa cum laude
1987-89 Project architect with Prof. Dieter Hauser, Tuebingen
1988-90 Lectureship at Biberach University of Applied Sciences – Foundation course in architecture and design
1990 Own atelier in Stuttgart, main focus on Villas and residential buildings, art galleries and private art collections, currently 15 employees
1990-06 Lectureship at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences – urban planning
1993-Today Juror in award ceremonies of the Chamber of Architects, and judge and expert in opinion procedures and competitions
1993-96 Lectureship at Nuertingen University – urban planning
1994 Appointment to the Bund Deutscher Architekten - BDA
1995 Under the name of “Al Broc“ exhibitions of paintings and graphic art
2001-Today Lectures and working reports at various universities, Architectural Associations, BDA and in numerous other lecture series
2005 BDA award “Gute Bauten” - House BOP
2007 Lectureship at Biberach University of Applied Sciences - interior design
2008 One of the 100 best detached house architects in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - magazine Haeuser
2008 Visiting professor at Biberach University of Applied Sciences – Spatial arts and design
2008 Exhibition „Alexander Brenner - Houses“ in Stuttgart und Berlin
2008 Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2009
2009 Germany`s 50 best detached houses, Haus Dornhalde - Architektur & Wohnen 1/2009
2009 House am Oberen Berg admitted to the architecture guide “Neue Architektur in Stuttgart“ as one of “26 examples of present architecture of excellence“ by the Architektenkammer Baden-Wuerttemberg
2010 Elected to the Konvent der Bundesstiftung Baukultur 2010 in Essen
2011 Monograph Volume I with works from 1990 until 2010: „Alexander Brenner - Houses“, Callwey Publishers
2011 Exhibition „Alexander Brenner - Houses 1990-2010“ in Stuttgart, München und Hamburg
2011 Hugo-Häring-Auszeichnung by the BDA, Public`s choice award for House Strauss
2011 Award Beispielhaftes Bauen by the Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg - House Heidehof
2011 House Con&Vent one of the houses of the year 2011, Callwey Publishers
2011 Again elected to the Konvent der Bundesstiftung Baukultur. Hamburg 2012
2013 Book about the complete works of Alexander Brenner: „Portfolio“ by Falk Jaeger, Jovis Publishers
2015 Monograph Volume II with works from 2010 until 2015: „Alexander Brenner - Villas and Houses 2010-2015“, Callwey Publishers
2015 Exhibition „Alexander Brenner - Villas and Houses 2010-2015“ in the gallery Parrotta Contemporary Art Stuttgart
2015 „Best Project 2015“ at Archilovers, SOL House
2016 „Top architeural firm 2017“ for residential and family homes, news magazine Focus
2016 One of the 100 best detached house architects in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Magazine Häuser
2016 One of Germany‘s 10 best architects, Goethe-Institut Deutschland
2022 Monograph Volume III with works from 2015 until 2022: „Alexander Brenner - A Holistic Art of Building - Villas and Houses 2015-2022“, Park Books