Estaçao Natureza

Estaçao Natureza São Paulo

1. March 2010


São Paulo, Brasil
Apiacás Arquitetos
Anderson Freitas
Pedro Amando de Barros
Brasil Arquitetura
Francisco de Paiva Fanucci
Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz

Photos: Alessandro Kusuki

The idea of a train representing all the biomes in Brazil emerged from the collaboration between the University of São Paulo and the O Boticário de Proteção a Naturaza Foundation. As a result, local architects' offices were invited to participate in a competition in 2006. The site was an area with an old textile factory, the site of the center of science for youth, known as Estação Ciência, within the Deans' Office and University Extension Center.

Although the competition called for a wooden model of a train to house the exhibition, we thought it would be better for the space next to the factory premises to be designed as a small museum that would provide the necessary infrastructure: light, sound, temperature and smell control. For this reason, it was decided not to merely produce a model of a train but rather a construction that would not conceal its original function, since it should also have an educational purpose.

The project is based on the language of a common object in railway stations: containers. The work consists of five prisms measuring 50 m² each, built from steel frames, covered with metal tiles. These volumes are supported by concrete bases that also contain the infrastructure.

In the first carriage, audiovisual devices are used to introduce visitors to issues such as the formation, diversity and interaction of global biomes. Each space proposes sensorial experiences through showcases, LCD screens, projections, panels, and sound, smell and temperature simulations. The last carriage shows representative images of each biome, placing particular emphasis on specific actions to preserve the environment.

Apiacás Arquitectos was founded by Anderson Freitas (Taubate, SP, 1969) and Pedro Amando de Barros (Taubate, SP, 1973) in 2000. Both graduated from the Universidad de Taubate and since 2003 they teach at the Asociación de Enseñanza de la Arquitectura y el Urbanismo de São Paulo-Escola da Cidade.
The architectural practice Brasil Arquitetura was founded in 1979 by Francisco de Paiva Fanucci, Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz and Marcelo Suzuki, graduates of the College of Architecture and Urban Design - University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). The practice is currently run by Fanucci and Ferraz.


São Paulo, Brasil
Apiacás Arquitetos
Anderson Freitas
Pedro Amando de Barros
Brasil Arquitetura
Francisco de Paiva Fanucci
Marcelo Carvalho Ferraz

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