In the Gap between Sculpture and Architecture

John Hill | 8. February 2022
Not Vital's windowless, bunker-like studio in Sent, Switzerland (Photo: Screenshot)

Not wanting to be an architect or study architecture, Not Vital buys land to execute his site-specific works: "If you’re a painter, you need a canvas. If you’re a sculptor, you need marble or plaster. And if you build a house, you need a piece of land. That’s kind of all related." He calls the hybrids of sculpture and architecture that he creates"Scarch." Examples include NotOna, a tunnel carved into a marble island in the middle of Lago General Carrera in South America; a house in Niger built with the sole purpose of watching sunsets; and a wedge-shaped house in Sent that disappears into the ground via remote control. 

Watch the half-hour film below, and visit Louisiana Museum of Modern Art's Louisiana Channel to see more video profiles of artists and architects.

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