Five 'Big Ideas' for Small Lots in NYC

John Hill | 14. May 2019
"System for Narrow Living" by Only If (All images courtesy of City of New York)

Launched in February 2019 by HPD and AIANY, the two-stage competition is aimed at finding affordable housing solutions for small, city-owned vacant lots. The five Stage 1 winners will receive a $3,000 stipend and assistance from the HPD so the architects can form development teams and then turn their designs into site-specific proposals. In Stage 2, "one or more development proposals" will be selected for construction on a city-owned vacant lot.

The five finalists selected by HPD and AIANY:

  • Anawan/101 + Kane, Mass Green Living
  • Michael Sorkin Studio, Greenfill Housing as Garden
  • OBJ, Fold and Stack
  • Only If, System for Narrow Living
  • Palette Architecture, More with Less

Visit the Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC website to learn more about the competition and see more images of the five finalists.

"Mass Green Living" by Anawan/101 + Kane AUD
"Greenfill Housing as Garden" by Michael Sorkin Studio
"Fold and Stack" by OBJ
"More with Less" by Palette Architecture

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