
MIL Campus Viaduct

civiliti | 9. May 2017
Photo: civiliti (All photographs courtesy of v2com)

Existing tracks had to be relocated in order to accommodate the new facilities and a new viaduct was built over the campus’ future access road. The site was dug to allow the underpass, then bermed up slightly to accommodate the 24-metre steel bridge structure. The reinforced concrete abutments extend into zigzagging retaining walls, creating a dynamic mineral landscape.

Architects and Lighting Designers: civiliti
Engineers: Groupe S.M. International
Architectural team: Peter Soland, Lead Architect; Fannie Duguay-Lefebvre, Lead Urban Designer; Pascal Forget, Project Architect; Etienne Ostiguy, Project Architect
Engineering team: Marc Mousset, Lead Engineer; Tuong Phong Huynh, Lead Electrical Engineer; Petrica Voinea, Lead Structural Engineer
Client: Service de la mise en valeur du territoire, Ville de Montréal; Service des infrastructures, de la voirie et des transports, Ville de Montréal

Photo: civiliti

The 44-metre guardrails on either side of the viaduct were made in four sections: they are steel-framed assemblages backed by perforated steel plaques, coated with metalized paint. The diagonal steel plates recall the triangulated motif of more traditional truss bridges. A similar motif was developed for the protective railings along the sidewalks below.

Photo: civiliti

Facing the campus, the viaduct acts as a backdrop that comes to life at night when four light ‘tableaux’, inspired by Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawings, appear and disappear in the dark. These, generated by 135 LED light bars inserted on the diagonal grid of the west guardrail, are programmed to produce ephemeral patterns in constant movement. The chosen theme for this virtual animation is that of the four seasons: drops of rain, followed by snowflakes, allude to the fall and winter seasons; creepers announce the spring and fireflies celebrate the summer.

Photo: civiliti

The east guardrail is treated in a more static but no less dramatic way. At night, the upper structure appears to float above its sculptural base, every detail emphasized by lighting. The geometric pattern used for the architectural guardrails is reproduced on the railings protecting the parallel sidewalks, below the viaduct.

Photo: civiliti

Responsible for the architectural and lighting treatment of this bridge, the designers believed that a subtle and poetic use of light would resonate within the heavily transformed environment. They hoped to draw attention to the railway yard’s history, soon to be totally eradicated with the advent of new university pavilions and urban streetscape.

Graphic Studies of Lighting Patterns (Drawing: civiliti)
Early Conceptual Sketch (Drawing: Peter Soland)
Conceptual Elevation (Drawing: civiliti)
Plan, Elevation, Section (Drawing: civiliti)
Axonometric View of Guardrail with Embedded LED Bars (Drawing: civiliti)

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