Visualization © Damrau Kusserow
Visualization © Damrau Kusserow
Visualization © Damrau Kusserow

»municipal scales «

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Stuttgart + Cologne, Germany

In the two cities Stuttgart and Cologne, identical platforms are installed in public spaces. If someone steps onto a platform, their weight causes the part of the platform they are standing on to descend gently. At the same time an impulse is triggered and transmitted via a data transfer. Line to the platform in the other city, and the corresponding part of the counterpart platform is lowered by means of a hydraulic piston. Municipal Scales is a temporary intervention in public space that plays with the phenomenon of collective experience. Space is in a certain sense physically expanded beyond local experiences – with their own weight my virtual counterpart makes me rise.

Other Projects by Damrau Kusserow Architekten BDA

Wohnquartier Ackermann #4
Gummersbach, Germany
Wohnquartier Ackermann Baufeld #6
Gummersbach, Germany
Wohnbebauung Ennenstraße
Köln, Germany
Ulmer Höh' Süd
Düsseldorf, Germany
Schulmensa Katharina-Henoth-Gesamtschule
Köln, Germany