The apartment was built in Bassano del Grappa in the late 70s. The new project maintains the same spatial distribution. The existing floor in olive timber is restored while in the kitchen area the existing tiles are replaced with a grey resin in order to give a more contemporary look. The horizontal and vertical surfaces of the terrace are cladded with timber. The terrace hosts a jacuzzi from which to observe the surrounding mountains of Asiago.

House AB

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Bassano del Grappa, Italy
Paolo Didonè, Devvy Comacchio, Gianmarco Miolo

Other Projects by Didonè Comacchio Architects 

Interior RA
Bassano del Grappa, Italy
Municipal Stadium Shelter
Travettore di Rosà, Italy
House BN
Cassola, Italy
House PB
Rosà, Italy
House EA
Cornuda, Italy