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The event is a forum which fosters discussion of the design of private open space. A critical appraisal of contemporary garden architecture is undertaken in the form of an international competition and a symposium. From now on the international event on garden architecture private plots & public spots takes place biannually. We recommend our bilingual catalogue „best private plots – Die besten Gärten 2012 – Internationale Beispiele zu Gartenarchitektur“, which was released for the fourth time in German and English. The catalogue covers all projects nominated in the international competition on garden architecture: complete with photographs, captions and expert descriptions of the gardens and private open spaces by Peter Zöch, managing editor of TOPOS, an international review of landscape architecture and urban design. Furthermore the jury members – Bart Brands (NL), Andrea Cejka (A/CH/D), Xavier Perrot (F/USA), Neil Porter (GB/USA), Judith Wieser-Huber (A) – introduce themselves to their audience, writing about their work methods and their design philosophies. Designed and written with great attention to detail, the catalogues grant fascinating insights into current developments in international garden architecture, while at the same time providing a useful archive of the events of private plots & public spots since 2006.

Idea and concept: Karin Standler und Robert Froschauer

Clients: Province of Lower Austria, program „Natur im Garten“

best private plots – Die besten Gärten

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Idee und Konzeption
Karin Standler und Robert Froschauer
Land Niederösterreich, Natur im Garten

Other Projects by Karin Standler Landschaftsarchitektur 

Albatros am Erdberg
Wien, Austria
open spaces - Parks als sub Andreas Hofer Park
Wien, Austria
Natural pool in Burgenland/Austria
Draßburg, Austria
Platzgestaltung Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz
Linz, Austria
100 Jahre Sozialer Freiraum