Lina Aakeroy

Project architect

Wiebke Ahues

Architect BDA & associated Partner
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Wiebke Ahues studied architecture at the University of Dortmund and the Technical University of Dresden. She worked for many years as a project and office manager in renowned offices such as Max Dudler, David Chipperfield and Henning Larsen and was responsible for high-calibre, international projects and competitions. She has been an associated partner at LXSY Architekten since the beginning of 2024. Her many years of expertise have taught her to view architecture holistically and with a circular approach. As an ambassador for the Bauwende, Wiebke Ahues is actively committed to circular planning and building. For her, creating sustainable architecture means working with what is there or grows back. Wiebke Ahues was appointed a member of the BDA Berlin in 2021. As a board member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects since 2022, she is committed to advancing the social discourse on shaping a sustainable future.

Irene Arrieta Castillo

Project architect

Colin Gridley

Project architect

Jan Kalkkuhl

Student trainee

Kim Le Roux

Architect BDA & Partner
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Kim Le Roux studied architecture at UCT in Cape Town (RSA) and at TU Berlin. After completing her Master's degree, she worked for several years in South Africa and Ethiopia. Influenced by her childhood in South Africa, Kim Le Roux sees architecture as an opportunity to make a contribution to social justice. In her eyes, good architecture is made for people and offers protection and space for individuality, enables communication and strengthens communities. She also actively promotes the practical realisation of circular building. Kim Le Roux scrutinises processes and standards and understands sustainability as an ecological, economic and social component in equal measure. Kim Le Roux was appointed a member of the BDA Berlin in 2021.

Nadine Muhr


Laura Pramann

Project architect

Margit Sichrovsky

Architect BDA & Partner
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Margit Sichrovsky studied architecture at the Bauhaus University Weimar and at the TU Berlin. After successfully completing her Master's degree, she worked for several years as a project architect and project manager in planning offices. Margit Sichrovsky always focusses on social aspects and the question of what influence architecture has on the immediate environment and each individual. In addition to architectural culture, she is interested in how architecture can promote identification and good neighbourhoods. Margit Sichrovsky is also committed to establishing circular planning and building in architectural practice. Margit Sichrovsky was appointed as a member of the BDA Berlin in 2021. Since 2022, she has been part of the "Sustainable Planning and Building" working group of the Berlin Chamber of Architects. From October 2024, she will take up a professorship for "Climate-friendly and resource-efficient architecture and design" at the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart .

Hannah Steinborn

Student trainee

Isabella Strong

Office Manager

Thea von Wedel
