The Ideal Bathroom (2007)
Ideal, Mexico
Finally, the current household technology allows for the realization of a dream desired since the early days of modernity: a freedom of inhabitation, an oasis on demand. The strategy was to follow a seductive, immaterial, ever-changing strategy based on market outlook. Elias Rizo makes propositions for what a present and future bathroom should be. Fashion trends capable of supporting what he considers the true essence of contemporary hygiene: the invisible and all-powerful technology to control communication and the environment. The bathroom is created as an object of consumption. Using domotics, the project goes further than the cluttered accessories of current electronic, acoustic and telematic additions. Through the mimesis of the tectonic with idyllic natural context, Rizo creates a private, enclosed stage, imperceptible to those on the outside. Having this intimate and hygienic space, it becomes something spectacular. Absolute control of the market flows from the most common and domestic space of contemporary houses.
The architect ensures that ideas are displayed. The proposal is strongly based on the media being the project’s heart, always on veiled display, the bathroom as an exhibition from within.