
Keiichi Hayashi Architect

Taguchi House

Nishinomiya-city, Hyogo, Japan, 2013

This small, three-story wooden house is located on a flagpole lot in a dense residential neighborhood. Building codes relating to setback...

n o t architects studio / Tetsushi Tominaga Architect & Associates

Weather House

Tokyo, Japan, 2021

In front of the site, there is a large park with lush greenery that serves as a walking path for people. When you are in the park, your ...

Matsuyama Architect and Associates

House with Scenery

Amami, Kagoshima, Japan, 2015

L3P Architekten AG FH SIA

Neubau 5 DEFH Steinmaur

Steinmaur, Switzerland, 2017

In ländlicher Umgebung entstehen auf einem gut 4‘.00m2 grossen Grundstück 10 Einfamilienhäuser zu fünf Volumen zusammengebaut sind. Das G...


Ainoma House

Okazaki-city, Aichi, Japan, 2016

This project is a house for an elderly parents and an atelier for their son who lives in the same city. We propose a discrete residence ...

Baumschlager Eberle Architekten

Spatial Sculpture with Living Quality

Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 2021

A response to the local surroundings, the incorporation of a mature beech tree and a balance between privacy and openness, all combining ...

Kollektiv Marudo

Umbau Einfamilienhaus in Baden

Baden, Switzerland, 2020

Das ortsbildgeschützte Reiheneinfamilienhaus aus dem Jahre 1958 befindet sich am Waldrand auf der Allmend in Baden. Durch eine sanfte Inn...

Kollektiv Marudo

Umbau Einfamilienhaus in Zufikon

Zufikon, Switzerland, 2020

Das Einfamilienhaus in Zufikon aus dem Jahre 1979 besticht durch die Qualitäten der Haupträume, dem Schlafgeschoss zum Garten und der Wei...

Mount Fuji Architects Studio

Shore House

Manazuru, Kanagawa, Japan, 2013

Near the base of the Manazuru Peninsula, on a hilly topography that slopes toward the south, the site is located where the hill's inclina...

Jonathan Sage Photography

Shingle Lake House

Herrsching, Germany, 2020

Situated on the lakeshore of Ammersee, the house overlooks one of the Bavarian lakes in Fünfseenland. Photographing during summer had its...

Architekt Norbert Müller

Haus P

Graz, Austria, 1998

Vorgabe für den Entwurf waren das Gelände eines vorhandenen Grundstückes am hügeligen Ostrand von Graz und ein vom Bauherrn vorgegebenes ...

Philipp Architekten BDA // Anna Philipp

Villa Fröschle

Heilbronn, Germany, 2019

Treehouse – purissimo When Anna Philipp and the clients met for the first time at Castle Waldenburg, a connection from heart to heart...

Klaus Schlosser Architekten

Atelier Potsdam

Potsdam, Germany, 2019

Mit der Entscheidung Friedrich-Wilhelms IV., den Norden Potsdams als Teil der Lenneschen Landschaftsgärten entlang der Havel umzuwidmen, ...

Hohermuth Architektur

Studie Doppelfamilienhaus "Duetto"

Volketswil, Switzerland, 2020 Studie

Die beiden 6 ½ Zimmer-Häuser fügen sich zu einem dynamischen und filigranen Baukörper zusammen und orientieren sich in unterschiedliche R...

Marques Architekten AG

Campus Dorf Hertenstein

Weggis, Switzerland, 2020

The quality of the building site is characterised by its exposed location on the Hertenstein peninsula, surrounded by Lake Lucerne with v...

Gaus Architekten

Residential Building K1

Rechberghausen, Germany, 2016

In case a building is not allowed to exceed a certain height, the use of the ground topography can be a solution. In this case, the entir...

Architekt Norbert Müller

Haus W

Südsteiermark, Austria, 2016

Basis für den hier vorliegenden Entwurf sind die Topographie des bereits erworbenen Hanggrundstückes in den südöstlichen Ausläufern des S...

Marcela Grassi Photography

House in Mas-Ram

Badalona, Spain, Spain, 1971

The construction of this house consists in two parts, the properly living space where there are the bedrooms, living and dining rooms plu...

Vetter Schmid Architekten

Wohnhaus in Windisch

Windisch, Switzerland, 2012

Umbau und Erweiterung Wohnhaus Windisch

Vetter Schmid Architekten

Ferienhaus am Murtensee

Faoug, Switzerland, 2013

Neubau Ferienhaus am Murtensee

Vetter Schmid Architekten

Wohnhaus in Zürich

Zürich, Switzerland, 2011

Sanierung und Erweiterung eines Wohnhauses

Atelier Pulver Architectes SA

Transformation of an Old School

Sugiez, Switzerland, 2020

This house, which used to be the community school, has been renovated and converted into two flats. The ground floor flat benefits fro...


A large gabled roof over the home office and…

Saitama-city, Saitama, Japan, 2017


A Bronze House on Nightingale

Hollywood Hills, USA, 2021

Sited on a flat pad near the end of the street, the two-story, 13,000-sq-ft Bronze House replaces a dated single-family home. To preserve...

transstruktura – Architektur • Stadt • Objekt


Berlin, Germany, 2017

Futteralhaus - ein vorgefertigtes Minimalhaus. Dieses für die Serienproduktion ausgelegte Haus bietet hohe Qualität auf kompakter Fläche...

transstruktura – Architektur • Stadt • Objekt

Einfamilienhaus Schulzendorf

Schulzendorf, Germany, 2019

Das Haus für eine vierköpfige Familie wurde in einem Brandenburger Dorf am Rand von Berlin errichtet. Das schmale und langgezogene Grunds...

Daigo Ishii + Future-scape Architects

44:63 - House in Azamino

Yokohama-city, Kanagawa, Japan, 2010

The house for the conductor of the art gallery. The interior of the house is finished in white in consideration with exhibiting art. Thi...

Atelier SCHMIDT GmbH

La Casetta

Segnas, Switzerland, 2020

The village of Segnas is located in Graubünden and is listed in the federal inventory of buildings worthy of protection as a village imag...

Tatsuya Nagasaki / Atelier Haretoke

House with Winodwsills

Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2011

A convenient home with varied floor levels This home for an elderly couple sits on a riverside road lined with cherry blossom trees. B...

Tatsuya Nagasaki / Atelier Haretoke

House with a Large Roof

Yuki, Ibaraki, Japan, 2010

A multilayered landscape beneath a large roof This reinforced-concrete residence is located on the outskirts of a provincial city. The...

Tatsuya Nagasaki / Atelier Haretoke

Seaside Boomerang

Isumi, Chiba, Japan, 2008

Sea and sky take center stage in this interconnected space Our goal in designing this vacation home was to make maximum use of an outs...

Olson Kundig

Whistler Ski House

Whistler, Canada, 2014

Set in the Coast Mountains of western Canada, Whistler Ski House is a family retreat built to withstand the harsh mountain environment. E...

gus wüstemann architects AG


Mallorca, Spain, 2020-2024


gus wüstemann architects AG

Can Jungla

Mallorca, Spain, 2020


Tatsuya Nagasaki / Atelier Haretoke

Under the Four Roofs

Kyoto-City, Kyoto, Japan, 2012

A miniature streetscape made of four roofs This wood-framed house is located in a quiet residential neighborhood of Kyoto between Ent...

Tatsuya Nagasaki / Atelier Haretoke

House with the Floating Terraces

Musashino, Tokyo, Japan, 2018

The floating terraces links living space to the neighborhood This house for a family of five is located in a suburban neighborhood fif...

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