House with the Floating Terraces
Musashino, Tokyo, Japan, 2018
The floating terraces links living space to the neighborhood This house for a family of five is located in a suburban neighborhood fif...
Under a White Roof
Yuki, Ibaraki, Japan, 2017
A wooden box wrapped in a white skin This headquarters for a company that develops and manufactures makeup containers required consist...
Under the Four Roofs
Kyoto-City, Kyoto, Japan, 2012
A miniature streetscape made of four roofs This wood-framed house is located in a quiet residential neighborhood of Kyoto between Ent...
House with Winodwsills
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2011
A convenient home with varied floor levels This home for an elderly couple sits on a riverside road lined with cherry blossom trees. B...
House with a Large Roof
Yuki, Ibaraki, Japan, 2010
A multilayered landscape beneath a large roof This reinforced-concrete residence is located on the outskirts of a provincial city. The...
Seaside Boomerang
Isumi, Chiba, Japan, 2008
Sea and sky take center stage in this interconnected space Our goal in designing this vacation home was to make maximum use of an outs...