WhO Interior Sheet" is an adhesive-backed PVC sheet material that can be used not only for wall surfaces in offices, commercial facilities, large building complexes, and hotels, but also for "metal substrates" such as doors, door frames, furniture, fittings, steel partitions, and steel doors.
It has better abrasion resistance than vinyl cloth and is suitable for various shapes and large areas, such as entrances of complex buildings, elevator halls, and around pillars in shopping malls.
When used in combination with vinyl cloth, it can be coordinated with a sense of unity in design.
Panel processing* is also possible, which is easier and more design-oriented than applying the film directly.
*Noncombustible panels (calcium silicate boards, etc.) with a wrap-around finish
You can use WhO's Wallpaper designs such as "COLORS" created from an infinite color palette and "PATTERNS" with a wide variety of graphic patterns.