Another Look at 'In Praise of Caves'
The Noguchi Museum has release a 20-minute film about In Praise of Caves: Organic Architecture Projects from Mexico by Carlos Lazo, Mathias Goeritz, Juan O’Gorman, and Javier Senosiain, which wraps up its four-month run at the end of February.
World-Architects visited the exhibition at the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City, Queens, before it opened last October, writing that the work of the four artist–architects named in the subtitle comprise a “must-see show.” For those unable to experience the exhibition in-person — or even for those who did make it and want to know more about the artists–architects and their work — the film featuring commentary from Noguchi Museum curator Dakin Hart, exhibition consultant Ricardo Suárez Haro, and architect Javier Senosian is a must-watch.