Keeping It Modern

John Hill | 18. settembre 2014
Photos: Courtesy The Getty Foundation

Keeping It Modern was created to complement the Getty's Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative, a program that has addressed conservation of two projects on the list of ten: the Eames House and the Salk Institute. Keeping It Modern responds to the deterioration of many modern buildings of last century arising from the use of cutting-edge materials and structural systems, and heritage professionals lacking the necessary data for their proper conservation.

Per the Getty: "Grants focus on the creation of conservation management plans that guide long-term maintenance and conservation policies and the testing and analysis of modern materials. In select cases, grants may support implementation projects that have the potential to serve as models for the conservation of other 20th century buildings." In other words, while the list of ten features well known projects by famous architects, the knowledge gained from their conservation can lead to aiding lesser-known buildings.

Further, per the Getty: "Nonprofit or charitable organizations from around the world are eligible to request support. Buildings must be significant, publicly owned, and serve a public function." Deadlines for the second year of grants are January 9, 2015, for letters of inquiry, and April 6, 2015, for applications. The image below lists the first ten projects in the iniative and the amounts of the grants awarded.

Photos: Courtesy The Getty Foundation

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