Benedetto Calcagno
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Worked as a trainee for 18 month at the Renzo Piano Building Workshop (IT), and for 7 month for Wastchenko and Jongen (BE).
Joined the firm in July1998.
Participated in projects such as the DUMONT office Building in Brussels (BE), the FIRE STATION in Houten (NL), and the BRUGMANN HOSPITAL in Brussels (BE), and has been in charge as project manager of the ESPACE CHRISTIAN DOTREMONT project in the Nivelles Business Park (BE), the EOLE light windmill mast project, the ERASME metro station project, the fire station in ENSCHEDE (NL) and the building RESIDENCE PALACE, HEADQUARTERS FOR THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION in Brussels(BE).
Partner since 2002.

Jacques Ceyssens
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Apprenticeship pursued during his studies in Tournai with the GINION, PIRSON and BRUYERE architectural partnership, a three-month training period with the architectural firm of Luc SCHUITEN, as well as a training course with a surveyor of the city of Tournai.
Currently in charge of the next phase of construction of the Psychiatric Hospital SANS SOUCI, of a home for elderly people in Rhode-Saint-Genèse, of the offices project for IBGE-BIM, the Environmental Authority of Brussels, of the refurbishment of an existing building for the railway station in Leuven, of the extension of the headquarters for JAN DE NUL (international construction company) in Aalst, of a new tower with 49 high standing apartments in Kortrijk.
As a self-employed architect, he carried out the study, building and/or renovation of single family houses and stately town houses in Belgium. From 1992, he specialised himself in expertise valuation, both private and legal works, particularly a legal expertise concerning International Hotel of Paris in Paris (fire prevention conformity, faults, defects).
Partner since 1998.

André Charon
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He joined the team in 1983, and worked first as a trainee and as an architect (until 1985). Model maker from 1987 to 1992. Management of the team’s documentation since 2009.
Traineeship supervisor at the Ordre des Architectes de la Province de Brabant since April 2001.Associate Partner since 2000.
Elected partner of Philippe SAMYN and PARTNERS, architects & engineers sprl April, 30th 2008.
He is also pursuing his own work as an architect outside the practice.Design and production of didactic models for exhibitions of architecture and engineering.

Asa Decorte
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Her career began in parallel with her studies, as associate at ATU architects in Brussels from 1994 to 1999, she gradually became in charge of specifications writing and construction management for small housing shemes and also, from 1999 to 2001, of the administrative management of this small practice of four people.
After graduation she developed in parallel her activities as computer graphic designer part time up to 2001 in Brussels and Puerto Rico (USA).
As project manager for large commercial facilities at Soltero Muñoz & Associates, Architects, Planners & Engineers in San Juan, she developed her skills in quality control, specifications writing, bills of quantities and cost estimates.
Åsa joined the firm in April 2007 was elected associate partner in 2008, and is in charge of the coordination of the drawings and bills of quantity as well as the related specifications for the new Headquarters of the Council of the European Union in Brussels (BE).

Thierry Henrard
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After an apprenticeship for 3 years with the team where he collaborated on the CNP headquarter project, he worked for 8 years as independent architect and consultant.
He returned to the team as associated partner in September 2005. He is currently project manager within the team in charge of the European Council Headquarter.
Partner since april 2008.

Denis Melotte
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Involved in the development and construction of every project commissioned to the firm since 1985.
Responsible for projects such as the new research facilities of Petrofina in Feluy, ULB Auditorium, Walloon Branch of Reproduction Forestry Material, Nissan Research Centre, the Certech, Brussels Fair Grounds, the office extension of the Lamot Brewery for Seghers Engineering, the refurbishing of the (former INR) Flagey building, the extension and refurbishing of the ZNA hospital in Antwerp, the factory for Solvay - Sibur (RusVinyl) in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), and the Lujiazhi cultural creativity garden in Zhoushan (China).
His experience in hospital projects includes the Restructuration of the Brugmann Hopital and of the Queen Fabiola Children's Hospital in construction since 1994, and the Public Centre for Social Action, Nursery and social antenna in Brussels, the extension and refurbishment of the ZNA general hospital on Middelheim campus.
Partner since 1991.

Philippe Samyn
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As founding Partner, has been responsible for the global development of the firm after 2 years of training with the consulting engineers, Verdeyen & Moenaert, and after 6 years of training with the Architectural firm of A. De Doncker.
His extensive and continuous world wide travels for various commissions form his philosophical attitude for the firm based on questioning.

Quentin Steyaert
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After a collaboration as intern with Atonini, Schon, Zemborain y Associados in Buenos-Aires, SAMYN and PARTNERS, and the Salvador Pérez Arroyo Office in Madrid, he was a professional architect at the Ramon Andrada Pfeiffer Office in Madrid (1990), the Salvador Pérez Arroyo Office in Madrid (1991), as well as the Art and Build office in Brussels (1993).
He joined SAMYN and PARTNERS again in May 1994.
He participated and has been in charge as project manager of such projects as the Headquarters for the DUPUIS PUBLISHING COMPANY in Marcinelle (BE), the LEVI STRAUSS Brussels Headquarters (BE), the subway station ERASME in Brussels (BE), the restoration of the INR building (BE), the renovation and extension of the BRUGMANN HOSPITAL (BE), the Copiapo bridge (CL), the chapel on the BIO-BIO in Concepción (CL) the competition for the EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK in Frankfurt, the apartment and office building for IMMOBILIERE SEM, Industry street n°6 Brussels (BE), the office building for IMMOBILIERE SEM, Marnix avenue n°28 Brussels (BE), the construction of 32 housing units, Rempart des Moines street Brussels (BE), the swimming pool for BETHESDA Uccle (Belgium), the TOTAL service stations of Spy (BE), Thieu (BE), Ruisbroek (BE), St-Ghislain (BE), Wetteren (BE) and Minderhout (BE), the Master plan and the applied sciences building of the ULB university, Brussels (BE), the house of European History in Brussels (BE), the construction of a 34-units apartment building in Brussels (BE).
Partner since April 2001.

Johan Van Rompaey
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Started his career at Belgacom (Berchem, Belgium) and at the Atelier d’Architecture H. Collomb (Lausanne, Switzerland).
Joined the firm in 1986.
Project coordinator in charge of the Chemical Research Centre Shell.Job captain in charge of contract administration and technical project management for Bank Brussel Lambert (BBL) headquarters (construction team: Bernheim-Outremer, Skidmore Owings & Merill, Jaros Baum & Bolles, Weidlinger Associates and Samyn and Partners).
Founded a sister practice which has been working closely with Samyn and Partners ever since where he is in charge of design and general management, this practice focusing on healthcare facilities, hospitality facilities , retail and banking agencies.
Partner since 1996.