
8 9月 2024 まで

Matosinhos, Portugal
全般, 展覧会

Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes: Construire  

Be sure to visit the exhibition "Construir" at the Casa da Arquitectura in Porto, Espaço Luis Ferreira, available until September 8th. This captivating showcase offers a unique exploration of the art and craft of construction, featuring innovative...

8 9月 2024 まで

London, Great Britain
全般, 展覧会

Enzo Mari  

Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist with Francesca Giacomelli.This major exhibition will celebrate the life and work of one of the greatest Italian designers of the 20th century, Enzo Mari, whose designs have inspired generations of creatives around the...

9 9月 2024 まで

Wien, オーストリア

»Über Tourismus« – Ausstellung im Architekturzentrum Wien  

Immer mehr Menschen reisen öfter, weiter und kürzer. Doch welche Auswirkungen haben unsere Urlaubswünsche auf die gebaute Umwelt, das soziale Gefüge und den Klimawandel? Und wie könnte ein Tourismus aussehen, der nicht zerstört, wovon er lebt? Diesen...

2024.9.10 - 2024.9.11

Ljubljana, Slovenia
イベント, 教育, Travel + Excursions

A Crash Course in Crafting Biodiversity  

10 & 11 September 2024 | Creative Laboratory Krater and other ecosystems across LjubljanaDesigners: Andrej Koruza, Gaja Mežnarić Osole and Danica Sretenović (Trajna / Krater collective)Registration Deadline: 8 Sep, 10.00 CETTrajna will curate...

12 9月 2024 まで

Madrid, Spain

Racionalismo de campo. José Manuel Juan Soto  

Entre 1945 y 1970 el INC construyó cerca de 300 pueblos de colonización repartidos por las principales cuencas hidrográficas españolas. Unas 55.000 familias los colonizaron.Había que convertir los terrenos de secano en nuevos regadíos, lo que implicó...


Ultimo NSW, Australia
イベント, レクチャー

Stories of Earth: Echoes in Architecture  

A one-day event intended to reframe, reconnect and restore. In his 2024 essay, ‘Enough? Architecture and the Sufficiency Imperative’, Professor Daniel Barber asks:In its quest for efficiency and performance, sustainable architecture has only made...


Online Event
イベント, レクチャー

Shigeru Ban: Timber in Architecture  

The Museum's focus on mass timber and wood, in conjunction with the exhibition TALL TIMBER: The Future of Cities in Wood, continues this fall with a webinar & book talk on the work of Shigeru Ban Architects on September 16 at 6pm ET. This is a...

2024.9.18 まで

Stuttgart, ドイツ

Material des Augenblicks | Ymer Shaqiri  

Augenblicke der Vergangenheit können wie ein Echo in die Gegenwart wirken und dort zu besonderen Momenten führen. Diese Transformation gelingt Ymer Shaqiri, dessen Werke fast immer auf Erinnerungen an seine Heimat basieren. Sie sind in ihrer...


Online Event
イベント, レクチャー

Nervi’s Towers: Milan, Montreal, & Sydney  

The famed Italian structural engineer Pier Luigi Nervi, a modernist master of concrete design and construction, collaborated with architects worldwide. His iconic skyscrapers – Pirelli Tower in Milan with Gio Ponti, the Montreal Bourse...


New York, NY, アメリカ
イベント, レクチャー

The Future of Public Space and Art: New Perspectives  

Join us for the second program in a four-part series on The Future of Public Space and Art. The series challenges us to discover better design strategies for the public realm that welcome all people. How do we re-envision our public spaces and the...


Niederurnen, スイス

Studio Architect Talk: «Das Potenzial des Handwerks»  

Das Südtiroler Familienunternehmen Finstral organisiert gemeinsam mit der Glarner Schreinerei Studio Seliner und Swiss-Architects einen Werkvortrag des Architekten Sergio Marazzi. Die Veranstaltung in Niederurnen ist der Auftakt der Serie Studio...

22 9月 2024 まで

New York, アメリカ
全般, 展覧会

Crafting Modernity: Design in Latin America, 1940–1980  

“There is design in everything,” wrote Clara Porset, the innovative Cuban-Mexican designer. She believed that craft and industry could inspire each other, forging an alternative path for modern design. Not all of Porset’s colleagues agreed with her...

22 9月 2024 まで

Seoul, South Korea
全般, 展覧会

Jung Youngsun: For All That Breathes On Earth  

Jung Youngsun: For All That Breathes On Earth explores half a century of practice by Jung Youngsun (b. 1941), Korea’s first licensed female landscape architect, who has worked on major public and private projects to date; Olympic Village Apartments...

22 9月 2024 まで

London, Great Britain
全般, 展覧会

Tropical Modernism: Architecture and Independence  

As we look to a new future in an era of climate change, might Tropical Modernism, an architectural style developed in the late 1940s, serve as a useful guide?Tropical Modernism was Britain's unique contribution to International Modernism – a colonial...

22 9月 2024 まで

London, Great Britain
全般, 展覧会

Design Researchers in Residence: Solar Display  

Solar brings together the work of the four 2023/24 Design Researchers in Residence. The projects featured in the display explore our changing relationships with the heat and light of the sun through multidisciplinary and collaborative work.The...

2024.9.22 まで

Berlin, ドイツ

Lina Bo Bardi –The Poetry of Concrete  

Lina Bo Bardi was born in Rome in 1914 and immigrated to Brazil in 1946. The high point of her recognition came in 2021, when the architect was posthumously awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Architecture Biennale for her life’s work.In the...

24 9月 2024 まで

New York, NY, アメリカ
全般, 展覧会

AA Folios: 1983–1985  

This exhibition—held in partnership with The Cooper Union Library—presents the first seven of fourteen AA Folios, a publication series produced by the Architectural Association in London from 1983 to 1991. Under the leadership of Alvin Boyarsky, who...

2024.9.24 - 2024.9.25

Luzern, スイス

ZEIT_RAUM_FORUM 2024 im Neubad Luzern  

«Bau, Kultur, (Um)baukultur - Über Kulturraum in Städten und den Wert des Bestandes» Wenn Städte erneuert werden, besteht die Gefahr, dass Neubauprojekte Frei- und Kulturräume aus den Zentren verdrängen. Im Rahmen des zweiten Zeit_Raum_Forums...


Madrid, Spain

Presentación de libro: Maneras de dimensionar un bosque. Arquitectura y pedagogía de la creatividad  

Desde distintas perspectivas y provenientes de tiempos diferentes este conjunto de escritos —muchos de ellos inéditos— nos muestra su modo de entender la creatividad, la pedagogía y el quehacer arquitectónico. Juntos conforman una urdimbre que,...


Wien, オーストリア
Events by World-Architects

»Eure Besten Österreich« – Kurzvortragsabend zum »Bau des Jahres 2023«  

Schon zum dritten Mal feiern wir gemeinsam das Architektur-Fest des Jahres – »Eure Besten«. Eure Lieblingsprojekte der Publikumswahl zum »Bau des Jahres« werden von den Architektinnen und Architekten präsentiert.Dieses Jahr sind querkraft architekten...

2024.9.26 - 2024.9.27

Philadelphia, PA, アメリカ
イベント, レクチャー, 教育

LANDSCAPE FUTURES: Centennial of the Department of Landscape Architecture Celebration and Symposium  

Celebrate The Centennial of the Department of Landscape Architecture at the Weitzman School of Design during LANDSCAPE FUTURES! This two-day event features a symposium and receptions on Thursday, September 26, 2024 and Friday, September 27, 2024 in...


New York, NY, アメリカ
イベント, レクチャー, 教育

Shigeru Ban: 2024 YC Foundation Lecture  

The 2024 The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture YC Foundation Lecture will feature Pritzker Prize-winning architect, humanitarian, and Cooper Union alumnus Shigeru Ban. The lecture, “Balancing Architecture Works and Social Contributions” is free...

2024.9.27 - 2024.9.28

Hamburg, ドイツ
Fairs + Conferences

Stadt Land Farbe  

Wie kann der Einsatz von Farbe zu nachhaltigen und identitätsstiftenden Lebensräumen beitragen? Dieser Frage widmet sich die Konferenz »Stadt Land Farbe« des Deutschen Farbenzentrums DFZ am 27. und 28. September 2024 an der Beruflichen Schule...

29 9月 2024 まで

Roma, イタリア

Festival des Cabanes di Villa Medici  

Installazioni temporanee, micro-architetture, proto-abitazioni: sei creazioni originali di “capanne” troveranno spazio per tutta l’estate nel cuore dei giardini di Villa Medici!Per il terzo anno dalla sua istituzione, avvenuta nel 2022, il Festival des...

29 9月 2024 まで

Paris, フランス
全般, 展覧会

Urban Natures: A Technical and Social History, 1600–2030  

or over three centuries, from the first public gardens of the end of the seventeeth century (such as Paris’ Tuileries and London’s Hyde Park) to contemporary urban forests, architects, engineers, landscape designers, and their sponsors have undertaken...

30 9月 2024 まで

London, Great Britain
全般, 展覧会

Bio-Spaces: Regenerative, Resilient Futures  

Curated by environmentally-focused media and events platform Planted, in collaboration with Oliver Heath Design Studio, Bio-Spaces will plunge the visitor into the world of biophilic design, exploring biodiversity and biomimicry in design, as well as...

30 9月 2024 まで

Barcelona, Spain

Suburbia. La construcción del sueño americano  

¿Quién no ha deseado alguna vez el sueño americano? Una casa grande con jardín, piscina y un par de coches en el garaje. Un sitio tranquilo y seguro para vivir en familia, cerca de la naturaleza y con un vecindario amistoso. La exposición recorre la...

2024.9.30 - 2024.10.01

Madrid, Spain
レクチャー, 教育

Seminario Internacional Arquitectura y Paisajes. Musas de Vanguardia en el territorio  

En el vibrante mundo del paisajismo, donde la creatividad se fusiona con la naturaleza, emerge un relato polifónico tejido por las experiencias y visiones de mujeres pioneras. Aino Marsio- Aalto, Carmen Laffón, Victoria Ocampo, Itala Fulvia, Carmen...


Online Event
イベント, レクチャー

Cities of Repetition: Hong Kong’s Private Housing Estates  

This is a virtual program — online only. Please note the unusual time for our programming: 11am ET.New York and Hong Kong are dense, intense vertical cities. In this truly international webinar, architects and educators Jason Carlow, a professor...

2024.10.07 - 2024.10.09

Auburn, AL, アメリカ
イベント, レクチャー, 教育, Fairs + Conferences

The Sustainable Future of CLT in the South: Grow. Design. Build.  

Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a burgeoning industry in the southern United States, capitalizing on the abundant presence of southern pine and other softwoods found in the region. The use of CLT offers a myriad of economic and environmental advantages...

2024.9.12 - 2024.10.10

Berlin, ドイツ

Antje Pugnat – Schleifen  

Antje Pugnat arbeitet experimentell. Sie denkt von Anfang an dreidimensional und erfindet in ihren Strickereien immer wieder neue plastische Elemente. Damit erzielt sie ihre ureigene Handschrift in der Mode. Interessant ist, dass sie zunächst...

2024.10.09 - 2024.10.10

Wien, オーストリア
Fairs + Conferences

Architect@Work 2024 – Wien  

Nach zwei Jahren gastiert die Architect@Work wieder in Wien und präsentiert ausgesuchte Neuheiten aus der Welt der Architektur und des Designs.Das Rahmenprogramm der diesjährigen Edition ist dem Thema Leichtes Bauen . Einfaches Bauen gewidmet.Mittwoch,...


Mettingen, ドイツ

Der Traum vom Einfamilienhaus – darf ich den noch haben?  

Diskussionsveranstaltung »Der Traum vom Einfamilienhaus – darf ich den noch haben?«Der Wunsch nach den eigenen vier Wänden als menschliches Grundbedürfnis spielt dabei eine besondere Rolle. Aufgrund der vorhandenen Wohnungsknappheit und vor dem...

13 10月 2024 まで

Ljubljana, Slovenia
全般, 展覧会

The Museum in Community 2  

The Museum of Architecture and Design parkFive projects that form the exhibition in MAO park are the outcomes of collaboration between different organisations in the Fužine neighbourhood where MAO is located and students from the Academy of...

13 10月 2024 まで

Milano, イタリア

Io sono un drago. La vera storia di Alessandro Mendini  

Un’ampia retrospettiva – prodotta con Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain – sull’opera dell'architetto, designer e artista Alessandro Mendini. Con oltre quattrocento opere, la mostra si articola in diverse sezioni tematiche e riunisce opere di...

13 10月 2024 まで

Roma, イタリア

L’Appia è moderna  

Presso il casale di Santa Maria Nova, nel Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica, è visitabile dal 18 maggio al 13 ottobre 2024 la mostra L’Appia è moderna, a cura di Claudia Conforti, Roberto Dulio, Simone Quilici, Ilaria Sgarbozza.L’esposizione è...

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