
to 5 January 2025

Helsinki, Finland
General, Exhibitions

FIX: Care and Repair  

In April 2024, the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum will be taken over by the themes of repair, maintenance, and cleaning. FIX: Care and Repair will be open at the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum from April 26th...

28 September 2024 to 5 January 2025

Los Angeles, CA, USA
General, Exhibitions

Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design  

Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design examines the role of nature as a starting point for material experimentation in the domains of architecture, craft, and science. While nature has often stood in as a model, metaphor, or resource...

to 6 January 2025

St. Louis, USA
General, Exhibitions

Design Agendas: Modern Architecture in St. Louis, 1930s–1970s  

Design Agendas: Modern Architecture in St. Louis, 1930s–1970s is the first major exhibition to examine the complex connections in St. Louis among modern architecture, urban renewal, and racial and spatial change in the interlocking histories of New...

to 12 January 2025

Milano, Itália

Gae Aulenti (1927-2012)  

Un'ampia retrospettiva dedicata a Gae Aulenti (1927-2012), una delle figure più rappresentative dell’architettura e del design contemporanei. In oltre sessant’anni di carriera, la poliedrica progettista ha toccato numerosi ambiti: dal disegno a scala...

11 October 2024 to 12 January 2025

Berlin, Alemanha

View of the City: Vedute and Panoramas from the Albertina  

The 32 selected views of cities across Europe, the Middle East and the Americas document the executing artists’ high level of skill, attesting to their masterly use of brush, pen and coloured pencil. Also evident is their trained eye for the choice of...

to 12 January 2025

Herford, Alemanha

Kathrin Sonntag und Gabriele Münter – Das reisende Auge  

Erstmalig werden die Fotografien der Expressionistin Gabriele Münter (*1877 in Berlin, † 1962 in Murnau), die im Kreis des Blauen Reiter vor allem als Malerin bekannt ist, in der Heimatstadt ihrer Familie in Herford gezeigt. Das umfassende...

21 September 2024 to 27 January 2025

Chicago, IL, USA
General, Exhibitions

Germane Barnes: Columnar Disorder  

Chicago-born architect Germane Barnes explores the connections between identity and the built environment—using research, design, and activism to mine the social and political agency of architecture and uncover the spatial histories and futures of...

to 27 January 2025

Oklahoma City, OK, USA
General, Exhibitions

Outré West: The American School of Architecture from Oklahoma to California  

Outré West: The American School of Architecture from Oklahoma to California considers the works of a group of architects who were educated and mentored in Oklahoma in the 1950s and 1960s, and later developed groundbreaking design practices in...

4 October 2024 to 9 February 2025

Antwerp, Bélgica
General, Exhibitions

Dogma: Urban Villa  

Architectural firm Dogma is known for its research into the evolution of housing in a rapidly changing society. In this exhibition, the architects take the urban villa as a starting point for the promotion of collective living.A new take on housing:...

6 December 2024 to 23 February 2025

Wien, Áustria

100 Jahre lenkbares Licht  

Geschichte und Zukunft lenkbaren LichtsWie lenkt man Licht einfach und effizient? Ingenieur Curt Fischer entwickelte bewegliche, frei positionierbare Arbeitsleuchten, für die er die Marke Midgard schuf. Sein Patent von 1919 ist Vorläufer vieler...

to 1 March 2025

Washington, DC, USA
General, Exhibitions

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Southwestern Pennsylvania  

Frank Lloyd Wright’s Southwestern Pennsylvania presents both realized and unrealized projects Frank Lloyd Wright designed for the region from the 1930s through the 1950s. The exhibition examines how his vision of the future might have impacted urban,...

18 September 2024 to 2 March 2025

Vienna, Áustria
General, Exhibitions

ELEMENTS: Adam Štěch’s Perspective on Architectural Details  

The exhibition ELEMENTS celebrates architecture, design and the Gesamtkunstwerk—the total work of art—revealing hitherto unexplored aspects of the applied arts.Architecture historian and researcher Adam Štěch has selected thousands of his own...

30 September 2024 to 16 March 2025

New York, NY, USA
General, Exhibitions

Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph  

The Met presents the first-ever major museum exhibition to examine the career of the influential 20th-century architect Paul Rudolph, a second-generation Modernist, who came to prominence during the 1950s and 1960s alongside peers such as Eero...

to 17 March 2025

Washington, DC, USA
General, Exhibitions

Capital Brutalism  

Amid the Cold War, urban renewal efforts ushered in a “Brutalist” phenomenon that reshaped the nation’s capital in the mid-20th century. Many high-profile public buildings were designed and constructed with exposed structural elements and building...

11 October 2024 to 29 March 2025

London, Great Britain
General, Exhibitions

Difficult Sites: Architecture Against the Odds  

Architects often produce their finest work when confronted with the challenge of designing for a difficult site.Our latest free exhibition explores remarkable feats of architectural achievement in the face of tricky terrain, awkward urban plots,...

to 10 September 2041

München, Alemanha


Die Neue Sammlung, das Designmuseum in der Pinakothek der Moderne, eröffnet mit dem X-D-E-P-O-T einen neuen vielseitig nutzbaren Raum.Dieser 600 Quadratmeter große Raum existiert bereits im zweiten Untergeschoss im Westflügel der Pinakothek der Moderne...

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