Dashawan Beach Facilities at Liandao Island

Liandao Island, China

The site locates on the east seafront of Liandao island of Lianyungang, an emerging harbor city booming in the middle section of the coastline of China. The beach hosts about 20,000 swimmers everyday in the peak time of summer. We were commissioned to design new facilities for bath service, restaurant & bars, fitness, entertainment and accommodations to meet the needs of increasing crowd.

Facing east to the Pacific Ocean, the building lay on the hillside with 3 Y-shape slabs. The stacking and setback platforms of the slabs distribute pedestrian flows to different levels from the main entry of the beach, while offering terrific views for all floors of the building. The free and dynamic gesture of the Y-shape slabs was stimulated by the morphological structure of the ocean wave, it provides opportunities for different functional volumes to interact with each other and creates dynamic experience of open spaces on and below the roofs. These hundreds-meter-long slab buildings establish a scale dialogue with both the coastal mountain and wave topography of the ocean, hence to present an ambition of the city to develop and grow.

地点Location: 连云港连岛 Liandao Island, Lianyungang

功能Use: 更衣,餐饮,娱乐,酒店 Locker & Shower, Restaurant & bar, entertainment, hotel

基地面积Site Area: 20758 sqm

建筑面积Building Area: 7761 sqm

材料Material: 清水混凝土,玻璃,屋顶植草Exposed concrete, Glass, roof grass

设计/建成Design/Built: 2007.3 / 2008.9

业主Client: 连岛海滨度假区管委会 Liandao Seafront Resort Committee

设计团队Design Team:

祝晓峰(设计总监)Zhu Xiaofeng (Design Principal), 许磊 (技术总监) Xu Lei(Technical Principal)

蔡江思(设计主管)Cai Jiangsi (Senior Designer), 许曳Xu Ye, 丁旭芬Ding Xufen

Scenic Architecture

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