PAR Wins 2014 Presidential Emerging Practice Award

John Hill | 8. 八月 2014
Keelung Harbor 2012 Competition, Honorable Mention. Visualization: Labtop

PAR is the Los Angeles firm headed by Jennifer Marmon and Angus Goble; it was founded by Marmon in 2003. Recent projects that illustrate how they are "setup as a platform for exchange within a global context" include competition entries for Keelung Harbor and Taichung Cultural Center, both in Taiwan.

In a statement on PAR and the other 2014 Presidential Honorees, AIA|LA President Andrea Cohen Gehring, FAIA, stated: "Los Angeles never stops surprising; we have intelligent, edgy, and innovative people that push the boundaries of today’s architecture and design. I am very pleased to represent this year’s Board of Directors in bestowing these honors to this select group of people that represent the best of LA."

Taichung Cultural Center competition. Visualization: Luxigon

The full list of AIALA 2014 Presidential Board Honorees:

25-Year Award: Kate Mantilini – Morphosis Architects & ROTO Architects
Emerging Practice: PAR – Jennifer Marmon, AIA
Design Advocate: Michael Webb, Hon. AIA|LA
Educator Award: Norman Millar, AIA – Woodbury University
Community Contribution: A+D Museum – Tibbie Dunbar & John Dale, FAIA
Honorary AIA|LA: Tibbie Dunbar, A+D Museum
Honorary AIA|LA: Adele Yellin
Building Team: Emerson College
Gold Medal: Chris Martin, FAIA & David Martin, FAIA – AC Martin Partner
