Past Present Future II: Francisco Aires Mateus
Itinerant Office's second edition of its "Past, Present, Future: about being an architect yesterday, today and beyond" project wraps up with an interview with Francisco Aires Mateus, founder of Lisbon's Francisco Aires Mateus Arquitectos.
Francisco Aires Mateus went to an art school in Lisbon to study interior design and architecture, only deciding at the end that he would pursue architecture as his profession. He goes on to say in the "Past" clip how after graduation he joined his older brother Manuel in the architecture studio of Gonçalo Byrne; it's there where they learned the most and which "was actually our school." In the "Present" clip Francisco clarifies the setup of the separate offices each brother maintains within the larger Aires Mateus name. Finally, in the "Future" clip the architect speaks about a small chapel overlooking Lake Como that he has been working on for a few years and hopes to realize soon; it embodies the ideas of memory and function that he sees as fundamental to architecture.
Watch the interviews below or on Itinerant Office's Vimeo page.