Museum Liaunig
Neuhaus/Kärnten, Austria
Task - A museum for Herbert Liaunig's extensive private art collection. Far away from any urban centers, the building should attract people and enable contemplative enjoyment of art. At the same time, a minimal budget had to be adhered to and the lowest possible operating costs had to be achieved. Extension of the building in 2015.
Solution - For cost reasons and to optimize the energy concept, 95% of the cubature is below ground level - the excavated earth was spread across the site. You enter the museum via the spacious display depot, the "wine cellar of art", and reach the bright main hall in a central location. As a counterpoint to the contemplative contemplation of art, visitors find dramatic highlights through the intense focus on the landscape. There is never the impression of being underground. The topography of the surroundings was also used in the extension of the museum.
- Architects
- querkraft
- Location
- Neuhaus/Kärnten, Austria
- Year
- 2015
- Client
- HL Museumsverwaltung GmbH
- Fertigstellung
- 2015 Erweiterung, 2008
- querkraft Partner
- Jakob Dunkl, Gerd Erhartt, Peter Sapp
- Projektleitung
- Stefanie Meyer, Erwin Stättner
- Mitarbeit
- Gil Cloos, Dominique Dinies, Sandra Denk
- Museumsplanung Wettbewerb
- Bogner CC
- Generalplaner
- Werkstatt Wien
- Statik
- Werkraum Wien
- Bauphysik
- Dr. Pfeiler GmbH
- Haustechnik
- Strabag Technik
- Tageslichtsimulation
- Klaus Pokorny
- Landschaftsarchitekten
- 3:0 landschaftsarchitektur, Weidlfein
- Begleitende Kontrolle
- Möblierung/Shopdesign
- Peter Liaunig
- Vitrinen
- Hartmann, Berlin
- Nutzflächen
- Bestand 5.000 m², Erweiterung 2.700 m²
- Bruttogeschossfläche
- Bestand 5.600 m², Erweiterung 3.100 m²