写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi
写真 © Xia Zhi

No Man's Walk

Beijing, China
Beijing Contemporary Art Expo
Li Han / Hu Yan / Zhang Xintong / Zhang Yuanbo / Travis Du

200 metres in length and 5 metres in average width, No Man’s Walk is a piece of public art work DAS created for Beijing Contemporary Art Expo 2020, covering a whole walking street at the 798 Art District.As a reflection on the change of people’s social distancing under the influence of Covid-19, DAS replaced all the human figures in the drawing with animals, plants, and robots, letting them dominate this "No Man’s Walk".

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