Life in the Resilient City

John Hill | 10. 十一月 2021
Seoul (Photo: Screenshot)

CROSSROADS: Building the Resilient City was the title of the 3rd Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, which ran from September 16 to October 31, 2021, under the direction of French architect Dominique Perrault. CROSSROADS, the narrative film, follows the "5 Crossroads" of the "Biennale Windrose" — Above/Below, Heritage/Modern, Craft/Digital, Natural/Artificial and Safe/Risk — in the structure of its five stories. Above/Below, for instance, follows a subway drive from his apartment on the 18th floor to the tunnels beneath the streets of Seoul. The stories intertwine to depict the myriad challenges people face in urban life in the 21st century.

The 14:14 film is in English, Korean, and French with English and Korean subtitles.

CROSSROADS: Life in the Resilient City
